Providing Research Data
In the course of scientific research, digital data of all kinds is generated. Professional information science management is required for the permanent and traceable storage of this research data and its provision for subsequent use. For this reason, Mainz University Library is gradually expanding its Gutenberg Open Science repository to include components for open research data (“open data”). The repository is suitable both for research data that are part of a publication as well as for data that you wish to publish independent of a publication. In the research data management of digital humanities projects, our digitization platform Gutenberg Capture can also be a useful component for your data planning.
In advance, we will help you with questions such as:
- What requirements do the third-party funding providers have with regard to research data?
- Where and how is your research data stored in the UB in a long-term and retrievable manner, and how can you reuse research data from other projects published via the UB for your own research?
- How can you organize your data management as efficiently as possible during the research phase to allow for subsequent use?
Handling Research Data Responsibly
We offer researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) a general overview of some key aspects that need to be considered when planning research projects with regard to storing and transferring research data.
We have summarized legal questions and answers for you in our Legal Questions When Providing Research Data handout.
OpenAIRE: Platform For Your Research Data
The portal of the pan-European network OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is available for research data and publications that have emerged from EU-funded projects. OpenAIRE provides services for finding metadata about publications, projects, research data, and organizations. You can also publish your own data via the portal in accordance with the guidelines for EU research funding.
The UB is part of our Team of Research Data Experts.
Visit for extensive information on how to handle research data at JGU. The team of experts will be happy to assist you!