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Universitätsbibliothek Mainz

From File Submission to Retention Periods

The University Archives are happy to advise all university institutions on questions regarding the management of records.

Basement Full? We Can Help!

Teambild der Uni-Archiv Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter mit Aktenkartons auf Lastkarren
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You no longer have room for old files in your facility and want to get rid of them? We are happy to visit you and view the files to be sorted on site. Together we can decide which files will be transferred to the archive.

All you have to do is create a list with the files you want to hand over to us, including file number, file title, and the period covered by the file. This way, we can ensure that your files will be found quickly and easily in the archive. We are happy to provide you with a template for the submission list.

By the way, we are also happy to take on your digital documents. Please get in touch!

Why Archive?

To ensure that historical data is not lost, all official documents that are no longer needed must be offered to the University Archives (State Archives Act (Landesarchivgesetz)). This also applies to documents that must be destroyed or deleted in accordance with statutory provisions or that are subject to secrecy. After the expiration of the blocking and protection periods, the files are then made available to researchers.

How Long Must Documents Be Kept?

Retention periods can vary greatly depending on the type of document. We have compiled an Overview of the Retention Periods which offers you an initial orientation (PDF, can be viewed with a university account).

