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Universitätsbibliothek Mainz

Other Holdings and Collections at JGU

Mainz University Library acts as a cooperation partner for academics, for example by indexing and making available special holdings.

Mainz Feminist Library

Mainz Feminist Library is a student project and was founded as a working group of the autonomous AStA AlleFrauenreferat (AllFemales sub-committee of the General Student Committee). It comprises about 14,000 media units. Both its organization and its administration are exclusively in the hands of female students.

Hymnal Collection

The Hymnal Collection brings together church hymnals of the 16th to 21st centuries. Particularly noteworthy is the special collection of around 40 military hymnals. The hymnal archive is co-sponsored by the interdisciplinary working group on hymnal research.

Shakespeare Image Archive

The Oppel-Hammerschmidt Shakespeare Image Archive is a unique collection of around 3,500 digitized images relating to William Shakespeare’s plays. In addition to paintings, drawings, woodcuts, steel and copperplate engravings, and etchings, it also contains actor portraits, character sketches, stage and costume designs, simultaneous concepts, comic depictions, and other image material. The material dates from 1594 to 2000. A large part of the Shakespeare image archive is publicly available via Gutenberg Images. Another 3,100 images have been published in printed form and are available for loan.